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Frequently Asked Questions at Colegio Menor Quito

  • When was Colegio Menor Quito founded?
    Colegio Menor Quito was founded in 1995. We have been providing the best liberal arts education in Quito for 26 years and also in Samborondon since 2008.
  • Is Colegio Menor Quito accredited?
    We are accredited by Cognia, the international education accreditation organization. Their research-based performance gives our teams a shared framework to achieve measurable and meaningful improvement. Every four years, we have an audit to renew the accreditation and to keep ensuring we exceed our education goals and standards.
  • Does the school offer transportation services?
    Yes, the school offers transportation services for all age groups. Our tuition covers the morning shuttle service. Families that require the afternoon shuttle must hire the service.
  • Which classes will be taught in English?
    From Playgroup (age 3) through Kinder (age 5), our students go through 100% English language immersion. From 1st Grade to 12th Grade, all classes are taught in English except for Spanish, sports, and art—which are taught in Spanish.
  • Do you have qualified teaching staff?
    Yes, we do! To provide high-quality education, we believe we need qualified staff to deliver what’s expected. All our teachers must possess a university degree, a recognized teaching qualification, and teaching experience. 

    We also seek teachers who are committed and creative; reflective of their own teaching and student outcomes; and seeking and implementing new ideas and innovative methods to raise our school’s level of achievement.
  • How will Colegio Menor Quito ensure my child settles in quickly at school?
    To ensure a smooth adaptation process, our admissions team provides the academic sections with all required information for our new students. Then, at the beginning of the school year, our new students attend a very helpful orientation session designed for their different ages.
  • Will my children be admitted if they’re not proficient in English or Spanish?
    All candidates must meet admissions requirements and demonstrate the language skills that are level with their peers’ level.
  • How can my child buy school meals?
    Depending on the academic section they are in, our students can access the school cafeteria services. For more information, please contact evponce@hanaska.com.